Sarah, your question is timely. On May 22nd, we are hosting a FREE webinar that will help you understand the real value of CMMI, and how to communicate it to your boss. Click here to register for our May 22, 2014 Webinar: CMMI - Everything you Need to Know!
What will you learn on the Webinar?
For starters, you will learn that there is no such thing as “CMMI certification” for companies seeking Maturity Level 2 or Maturity Level 3. CMMI is not about certificates, levels and ratings. Rather, adopting the CMMI is about taking on a large-scale business transformation initiative. By the end of the Webinar, you will have what you need to help your boss understand just how big his request really is.
By the way, the source of his confusion is understandable. The CMMI does indeed have “levels” associated with it, which in retrospect may have been a mistake because it’s too easy for companies to say, “Three is more than two so Level 3 is better than Level 2,” which does a great disservice to the organization.
What your boss really should be saying is, “I want to completely change the way people behave in our company,” which is the same as asking for a massive re-engineering of the organization. Getting “CMMI certified” has nothing to do with that outcome.
After participating in the webinar, you’ll be able to help your boss understand that CMMI is a model that's about how great organizations perform. Adopting the CMMI is about solving business problems, which – despite what he asked for – is what he REALLY wants to do.
Register here:
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Jeff Dalton is a Certified SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, Certified CMMI Instructor, author, and consultant with years of real-world experience with the CMMI in all types of organizations. Jeff has taught thousands of students in CMMI trainings and has received an aggregate satisfaction score of 4.97 out of 5 from his students.