Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Where can I find out everything I need to know about CMMI – with ZERO budget?

Hey, CMMI Appraiser, I am a software developer from a large Michigan-based automotive company (you’ve heard of us) and I have orders from my boss to find out about getting "certified at CMMI ML3.” He said there is "zero budget" for me to take a class at this point, so can you point me to free but useful information about CMMI? ~ Sarah H.

Sarah, your question is timely. On May 22nd, we are hosting a FREE webinar that will help you understand the real value of CMMI, and how to communicate it to your boss. Click here to register for our May 22, 2014 Webinar: CMMI - Everything you Need to Know!

What will you learn on the Webinar?

For starters, you will learn that there is no such thing as “CMMI certification” for companies seeking Maturity Level 2 or Maturity Level 3. CMMI is not about certificates, levels and ratings. Rather, adopting the CMMI is about taking on a large-scale business transformation initiative. By the end of the Webinar, you will have what you need to help your boss understand just how big his request really is.

By the way, the source of his confusion is understandable. The CMMI does indeed have “levels” associated with it, which in retrospect may have been a mistake because it’s too easy for companies to say, “Three is more than two so Level 3 is better than Level 2,” which does a great disservice to the organization.

What your boss really should be saying is, “I want to completely change the way people behave in our company,” which is the same as asking for a massive re-engineering of the organization. Getting “CMMI certified” has nothing to do with that outcome.

After participating in the webinar, you’ll be able to help your boss understand that CMMI is a model that's about how great organizations perform. Adopting the CMMI is about solving business problems, which – despite what he asked for – is what he REALLY wants to do.

Register here:

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Jeff Dalton is a Certified SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, Certified CMMI Instructor, author, and consultant with years of real-world experience with the CMMI in all types of organizations. Jeff has taught thousands of students in CMMI trainings and has received an aggregate satisfaction score of 4.97 out of 5 from his students.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

“Go agile?” Huh?

Mr. CMMI Appraiser – as a mid-sized engineering firm in Northern Virginia with a small Agile team, we are primarily using CMMI for our projects.  Our largest government customer recently told us they want to “go Agile,” and that they need us to staff up to serve them. When a federal agency says they want to “go Agile” how do we respond? We’re just trying to build great products, same as always. ~ Dean C.

Hey, Dean, we are hearing this note of concern quite a bit lately. It seems that many companies are being told the same thing from government and large corporate clients ranging from the Department of Defense to Medicare and Medicaid to Ford and Chrysler. Like you, many of them are saying, “What does that mean? Do they want to fail fast? Do they want daily standups? Do they want to start working in sprints?”

What I’ve found is that clients themselves often don’t often know what they mean, or how to articulate it. That’s why their requests can be quite puzzling.

One thing we can be sure of: Customers want to be reassured that we have a plan for scaling Agile in a way that can help them get improved results. I’ve done a lot of work over the years with companies that have embraced the CMMI and Scrum in an effort to get better and meet customer demands, and I believe I can point you in the right direction.

In my opinion, the clearest way to think about Scrum and CMMI is in terms of process improvement, not running teams or projects. That keeps us focused. After all, there is only one project that we really care about, and that’s the one called, “Making our company great.”

So it’s a good thing you are already using CMMI and Agile approaches. You can scale Agile by strengthening it through the application of the lessons of the CMMI. And conversely, scaling Agile will help you improve your approach to CMMI. The CMMI framework and the Agile philosophy work beautifully together to make each other better.

This is an idea I’m really passionate about. I believe all organizations can benefit from rethinking the CMMI and Scrum and how they work. It boils down to three simple concepts:

1) The CMMI is a behavioral model, not a process. It was intended to help make things better, a guide to continuous improvement. It describes how great companies perform.

2) As such, the CMMI doesn’t tell you HOW to get better. In fact, the CMMI doesn’t tell you how to do anything. It says, “Here’s what great companies have told us that they do.” Your job is to apply these lessons to what you are doing in your context. Tricky? Yes, but well worth it.

3) The truth about CMMI and Scrum is that they are both designed to help you pursue the same business goals. Both are tools to help solve business problems. They help us improve requirements churn and volatility, for example. They help us meet schedule and budget, and they help us perform the work that we do every day. That’s why we say CMMI and Agile are not overhead - they're "underhead."

So, yes, you can scale Agile and “staff up” to meet your customers’ needs to “go Agile.” That’s really all they want to hear at this point. Tell them, “Sure, we can do that, but here are all the ways we are going to work, and here are all the ways the software will deliver. We have standards, and ways to improve on that method.”

For more information about the details behind those answers, I invite you to register for the Agile Development Conference West. The conference will be on June 1-6 in at Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas. I will be speaking on "Agile Resiliency: How CMMI Will Make Agile Thrive and Survive." 

Hope to see you there!

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Jeff Dalton is a Certified SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, Certified CMMI Instructor, author, and consultant with years of real-world experience with the CMMI in all types of organizations. Jeff has taught thousands of students in CMMI trainings and has received an aggregate satisfaction score of 4.97 out of 5 from his students.