Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What are you thankful for?

Dear Readers,

This Thanksgiving, as Mrs. CMMI Appraiser and I sit down at the holiday table with our Little Appraisers, friends, and extended family, we have a lot to be thankful for:

  • SEPGs that are open to learning how to deploy processes
  • Developers who embrace the CMMI as set of guidelines for performance improvement 
  • CMMI sponsors who accept help in guiding their program
  • CEOs who accept help in facilitating strategic decisions 
  • CMMI consultants who do not over-engineer the solution and create "process debt
  • Lead Appraisers who build consensus amongst executives in the business
  • Executives who take appropriate action and are not heavy-handed 
  • Directors who put a communications strategy together and execute it
  • Engineers who pursue CMMI training and embrace useful process 
  • Management who motivate engineers to reach for great behaviors
  • QA groups that help us and don’t try to beat us into submission
And last but not least, we’re thankful for YOU, the Reader. We’d like to show our gratitude by offering you our new eBook. Look for the link to download your free copy, right here on Ask the CMMI Appraiser on Black Friday.

‘Til then … have a happy Thanksgiving!

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Jeff Dalton is a Certified SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, Certified CMMI Instructor, author, and consultant with years of real-world experience with the CMMI in all types of organizations. Jeff has taught thousands of students in CMMI trainings and has received an aggregate satisfaction score of 4.97 out of 5 from his students.

Visit for more information about running a successful CMMI program.

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