Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have a question about SCAMPI Rules for evidence

Dear Appraiser:

I have a question on the two rules below.

For SCAMPI B, objective evidence must be sought for each individual practice and instantiation included in the scope of the appraisal. For each practice, at least one direct artifact or one oral affirmation must be obtained for each instantiation. In addition, for each practice within the scope of the appraisal, at least one oral affirmation and one direct artifact must be present when considering the set of instantiations for that practice.
s the point of the second rule to ensure that evidence from the set isn’t either all direct or all oral affirmation?

Some people interpret the “In addition” part of the rule to mean that any evidence used to satisfy the first rule cannot be used to satisfy the second. The two interpretations can sometimes lead to different conclusions.

For example:

Instantiation A
Instantiation B
Instantiation C
Instantiation D
Direct Artifact
Direct Artifact
Oral Affirmation
Oral Affirmation

The first interpretation says this is ok. Each Instantiation has something and the set has a least one of each type. The second interpretation says it is not ok. The evidence used to satisfy the first rule cannot be used to satisfy the second. So they are looking for one more Direct Artifact and one more Oral Affirmation.

Either people holding to the second interpretation are reading way too much into the phrase “In addition” or the rules are not worded well.

As usual, the SEI speaks in foreign language!

“In addition, for each practice within the
scope of the appraisal, at least one oral affirmation and one direct
artifact must be present when considering the set of instantiations for
that practice.”

The key part of this sentence is the last part “… when considering the set of instantiations for that practice.” They’re referring to the aggregation practice of coming up with a Organizational Unit Characterization for the practice. There is a formula for that as you probably know.
The one characterization in the SCAMPI Method not given much discussion is “NY” or “not yet.” If you have five instantiations (projects) and four of the five are “Not Yet” then you have satisfied the “in addition” part. If all five are “not yet” you have not satisfied it. In many cased all five will have something other than “NY” but not always.

Instantiation A
Instantiation B
Instantiation C
Instantiation D
Organizational Unit
Direct Artifact
Direct Artifact
Oral Affirmation
Oral Affirmation

Make sense?


Anonymous said...

pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Can you clarify a point please. My company is due for its Class A appraisal in early 2011. We have 3 projects directly within the scope of the appraisal. Of the chosen projects at the time of appraisal it is thought that 1 will be complete, another 80% complete & the last 50% complete. Out lead appraiser has said that as we only have 3 projects in scope then SEI rules are that all are focus projects so we must supply evidence for all 18 PAs within level 3. My understanding (which I think is in line with your original reply) is that if for verification or validation we have good Direct, Indirect & Affirmation for 1 project; but we have not reached that stage with the other 2 projects that these 2 projects would be classed as 'not yet', but in the role up of findings we would be fine & we would meet level 3. Am I correct?

Anonymous said...

Well, I won't address whether 3 projects is enough or not, but I personally like to see a mix of project in terms of life-cycle, so what you've described is a good thing.

Your LA is technically correct in that the minimum sampling is three for each practice. I say "technically correct" because he/she is demonstrate a lack of knowledge (or experience) with what to do in cases such as yours.

Is it possible that an organization isn't allowed to be ML2 or ML3 if they don't have at least three current and completed projects? That's what your LA is telling you, right? Of course not.

The same sampling rules that your LA is quoting with authority ALSO say that a practice may have a characterization of "NY" or "Not Yet." In order to achieve a ML you must have three projects that have CHARACTERIZATIONS and AT LEAST ONE must be something other than a "NY." Case Closed.

Tell your LA to "RTFM" or to put it nicely, read his own user guide, the SCAMPI MDD.

Man, this type of thing REALLY ticks me off! Learn your trade people!